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TSH's new combo new drug has been approved and expect to get NHI price in Q2,2022. Its potentional market is approximately 2.8


Date of announcement: 2021/10/20

Time of announcement: 13:38:48

Subject:TSH's new combo new drug has been approved and expect
to get NHI price in Q2,2022. Its potentional market is
approximately 2.8 billion NTD.
Date of events: 2021/10/20

To which item it meets: paragraph 53

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2021/10/20

2.Company name:TSH Biopharm

3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or
  ”subsidiaries”): Head office

4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:NA

5.Name of the reporting media:Invester

6.Content of the report:TSH's(8432) new combo new drug RETA19 was approved
by TFDA After getting product license,TSH will apply for NHI price and
expect to have reimbursement in Q2, 2022.

7.Cause of occurrence: Per Tapei exhange request, TSH need to respond
the informaiton.

8.Countermeasures: TSH's new combo new drug for hyperlipidemia was approved
by TFDA on October 19. Regarding financial estimation, please refer MOPS.

9.Any other matters that need to be specified:None