Stakeholder identification and communication

Stakeholders refer to organizations or individuals affected by the Company's operations, products, or services. The Company should identify stakeholders and respond to their reasonable expectations and interests. The Company's stakeholders include shareholders (investors), employees, clients, drug development partners, suppliers, groups, and competent authorities. We strive to maintain positive relations with stakeholders and communicate issues with internal and external parties, include stakeholders’ issues of concern in relevant units’ responsibilities and work plans, respond to changes in environmental trends and amendments to laws and regulations in conjunction with relevant units. To meet stakeholders’ expectations, the Company adopts various communication methods to ensure that relevant tasks are completed and maintains smooth communication channels as well. The management team regularly adopts relevant feedback as a reference for future improvement or plans.


Stakeholder feedback and review

In the corporate sustainable development, we need to constantly communicate with stakeholders to understand their needs as a reference for the formulation of company policies and plans. During the implementation of policies and plans, we should also pay attention to stakeholders’ feedback all the times for subsequent improvement.


Issues of Concern and Communication Frequency

The Corporate Governance Officer reports the communications with stakeholders to the Board of Directors annually. The communications with stakeholders including feedbacks from stakeholders, responses and follow-up response plans have been reported to the Board of Directors on Aug. 3, 2023 and Dec. 14, 2023.


Stakeholders Main party Issues of concern Responses Communication Performance in 2023
  • Institutional shareholders
  • Individual shareholders
  • Corporate Vision
  • ESG Policy
  • Corporate Governance
  • Business Performance
  • Risk Management
  • Spokesperson and mailbox
  • Company website
  • Investor conference
  • Shareholders’ meeting
  • Board of Directors
  • ✓ Held 4 investor conferences
  • ✓ Held 1 shareholders’ meeting and 8 Board meetings
  • ✓ Shareholders exercised their voting rights by electronic means to fully participate in the voting on proposals.
  • ✓ Prepared the annual report for the shareholders’ meeting and announcement for investors’ reference
Employees All Employees
  • Corporate Vision
  • Benefit policy
  • Labor Relations
  • Talent Cultivation
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Labor-Management meeting
  • Departmental meeting
  • Interdepartmental meeting
  • Employee Welfare Committee
  • ✓ Regularly held labor-management meetings
  • ✓ Regularly held Plan of Action (POA) meetings
  • ✓ Regularly held departmental meetings (monthly)
  • ✓ Held 8 Employee Welfare Committee
  • ✓ Held PDP interviews (initial/mid-term/final)
  • ✓ Set out Individual Development Plans (IDP) (beginning of period) and received feedback (end of period)
  • Authorization for introduction
  • Authorization granted to external parties
  • Development partners
  • Corporate Vision
  • Business Performance
  • ESG Policy
  • Emails
  • Visits
  • Meetings (face-to-face, phone calls, or video conferences)
  • ✓ Held meetings regularly
  • ✓ Held meetings from time to time
  • Medical service personnel
  • General public
  • Agents
  • Corporate Vision
  • Product Quality and Safety
  • Legal Compliance
  • ESG Policy
Relevant seminars and visits
  • ✓ Held large seminars from time to time
  • ✓ Offered toll-free hotline
  • ✓ Held meetings from time to time
  • ✓ Offered educational training
  • Raw material suppliers
  • Outsourced manufacturers
  • Pharmaceutical warehousing and logistics
  • Transport distribution companies
  • General service suppliers
  • Corporate Vision
  • ESG Policy
  • Legal Compliance
  • Emails
  • Visits
  • Production and sales meetings
  • ✓ Regularly held meetings (monthly)
  • ✓ Evaluated existing suppliers (annually and once every three years)
  • ✓ Audited new suppliers
  • ✓ Phone and email
  • Social welfare organization
  • Industry unions
  • Corporate Vision
  • ESG Policy
  • CSR Promotion
Communication between event organizers and social welfare groups
  • ✓ Launched invoice raising campaigns
  • ✓ Held charity sales
  • ✓ Organized visits and donation of supplies
  • ✓ Made cash donations
  • ✓ Established scholarships
Competent Authorities Government
  • Legal Compliance
  • Labor Relations
  • CSR Promotion
  • Official letter correspondence
  • Promotion of policies and relevant systems
  • ✓ Financial reports
  • ✓ Market Observation Post System (MOPS)
  • ✓ Conducted audit from time to time
  • ✓ Participated in awareness raising events


Investors and Shareholders

Spokesperson: Grace Yang

Title: General Manager

Phone: 02-2655-8525 #5100



Deputy Spokesperson and Investor Relations Contact: Shuping Huang

Title: Manager of Administration Department

Phone: 02-2655-8525 #5105



Whistleblowing- Ethical Management Promotion Team



Internal Whistleblowing

Contact: Jessica Wu

Title: Chief Internal Auditor

Phone: 02-2655-8525 #5523




Contact: Han Hsieh

Title: Director of Corporate Development and Research

Phone: 02-2655-8525 #5412




Contact: Eliza Chang

Title: Senior Specialist

Phone: 02-2655-8525 #5131



Public Relations and Sustainable Development

Contact: Isa Wang

Title: Assistant Manager

Phone: 02-2655-8525 #5111
